Tag Friday · Tags and Other Fun Things

This or That Book Tag

Hello, Bookish Buddies, and welcome back to another tag that has taken me a shamefully long time to do!  I was tagged in early May by Sophie @ Blame Chocolate.  Go check her out, because she has an awesome blog! Let’s get to the questions!

Reading on the couch or on the bed?

Couch.  I end up in so many weird positions on the couch that I wouldn’t end up in on the bed.  That sounds weird, but it’s true.  Sometimes my back will just be on the floor while my legs are still on the couch. I’m one of those readers.

Male main character or female main character?

Or.  I like gender neutral main characters, although you don’t see many of those.

Sweet snacks or salty snacks?

I don’t eat while I read, but it depends on my mood otherwise.

Trilogies or quartets?

Probably quartets.  Trilogies seem (to me at least) to exist just because it’s “cool” or something, when the second book shouldn’t exist at all.  Quartets usually avoid that problem.

First person POV or third POV?

I know some people are so strongly opinionated about this, but I don’t care at all.  It depends on the story for the most part.

Reading at night or in the morning?

Night, definitely.  I’m usually not awake enough to process what’s going on in my surroundings, let alone in a book.

Libraries or bookstores?

Libraries.  That way I’m not allowed to buy anything and I can keep my money for other things. Like food.

Books that make you laugh or books that make you cry?

Books that make my cry.  I rarely cry at anything, but if there’s a book that’s moving enough to make me cry, it probably means I loved it.

Black book covers or white covers?

Why is this a question? I don’t have an opinion. Now that I think about it, I guess black covers, because they appear cleaner and new for longer.

Character driven or plot driven?

Plot driven, as long as the characters don’t annoy the crap out of me.

I’m gonna try this new thing where I tag people who have recently followed me, because I want to get to know y’all!  That being said, I tag:

No pressure to do this tag, but if you do, please link me because I want to see it!  Also, if you have done this tag and/or plan to do this tag, please also link your posts!

24 thoughts on “This or That Book Tag

  1. Thanks for the tag Bella! I need these this month, I’m so crazy busy with moving house, camp Nano and prepping for Pitch Wars that I don’t have the bandwidth to come up with blog ideas 😂 these questions are fun, I’ll have to try and do this one next week 😃

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s interesting that you mention gender neutral characters, I’ve actually never seen one of those so I’m intrigued to read them!
    I’m glad we agree on so many of these answers, too 🙂 You’re right about quartets, somehow they always seem better and more polished than trilogies as they were actually planned that way and not stretched out for publishing purposes.
    Lovely post, Bella! And thank you so much for the shout out ❤

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    1. I’ve only read one story with a non binary character as well (it was great). I guess that was just my way of saying character gender doesn’t matter, but I’d love to see more books with non binary characters. Thanks for tagging me in this!

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  3. Thank you for the tag! I can’t wait to get to it!

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a book with a gender neutral main character, but it sounds intriguing! Do you have any suggestions?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so excited to see your post!

      I’ve actually only read one book with a non binary character (Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller), but it’s not coming out until August. It was great though!

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  4. Great post! Yes, plot driven books are the best. And I actually really like white covers with water colour art. A Thousand Pieces of You, Mistborn and The Raven Cycle are gorgeous examples.

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