Tags and Other Fun Things

Story time: The Time I Met Sarah J. Maas + Mini Life Update

Hello, Bookish Buddies, and welcome to this week’s Top Ten Tuesday and isn’t a Top Ten Tuesday! I tried writing the Top Ten Tuesday post, but I didn’t have time to write a full one because of reasons I will explain in just a second. So, I decided to do a fun little story time before I binge wrote all of my posts for the next couple weeks because of reasons I will explain now. Enjoy!

Mini Life Update

So yeah, the reason I haven’t been posting all that much is school (as it probably is for my fellow junior/senior high schoolers).  I had a ton of work that I still haven’t gotten done that was due before spring break (that’s a problem, as it is now spring break), I’m studying like crazy for the ACT on April 8th because I really don’t want to have to take it again, and I’m touring a few colleges, which requires going places outside my city/state/country.

That being said, I just got back from Vancouver today, and I didn’t think ahead enough to pre-write this because I’m smart. I went there to look at a school I really thought I was going to love, but now I’m probably not going to apply there because reasons I won’t get into.  And I’m leaving for Ohio on Thursday. So, unfortunately, this spring break isn’t going to be all that relaxing.

So yeah, now I’m pretty much going to binge write a bunch of blog posts so I will have one less thing to worry about in the weeks to come!  Now it’s story time!

The Time I Met Sarah J. Maas

Yes, you read that right. I met Sarah J. Maas.  I was inspired to write about this because of the actual Top Ten Tuesday prompt, but she is the only author I’ve ever met, so I’m just going with this.

I met Sarah back in the summer of 2015 at Comic Con.  Queen of Shadows wasn’t even out yet, and…I kinda hadn’t read any of her books yet.  That is how the whole thing came into play anyway.

I was buying a copy of Throne of Glass because I had been dying to read the series for such a long time, when the lady running the booth was just like ‘hey, the author of that book is going to be here at three. Have a voucher to meet her.’ So basically, she just gave me a voucher to meet her because I was at the right place at the right time.  I knew it would be weird since I hadn’t read any of the books, but it was a free opportunity to meet SJM, so I wasn’t going to pass it up.

It was about an hour before the signing, and I made my cousin get into line with me about fifteen minutes later because I had a feeling the line was going to get super long. And it did, so that was a good call on my part.  We still weren’t the firsts though. There were a few people in front of me that were pretty cool, and I was able to pretend like I had read the damned book and knew what I was talking about.

In addition to not reading any of Sarah’s books, I didn’t really know what she looked like either, so my cousin and I were getting bored and just kinda hoping every lady that passed was her.  Eventually, she finally showed up and I was so excited!

We weren’t allowed to take pictures with her though, so my cousin just stood far away and took creep shots of us talking. It was really funny.

So eventually I got to meet her, and she was so super sweet. Her books didn’t come up in our brief conversation at all, thankfully, since I had no idea what I was talking about.  She asked me how my day was, and I asked her how her day was and stuff like that.  For some reason, I told her that my dad had a booth at Comic Con (which wasn’t a lie, I just don’t know why I felt it was necessary to tell her that) and she said I was ‘Comic Con royalty’, which even then I knew was such a high complement coming from the queen of YA/NA Fantasy.

Anyway, meeting her was awesome. I still have the book she signed for me (duh. Why would I get rid of it?), but I kinda hate myself now because it is a paperback and I really should have gotten a hardback for her to sign, even though the only hardbacks they had were Heir of Fire. I could’ve gotten ACOTAR. I really didn’t think this through. <– That sentence sums up my life. Anyway, I’m getting off track. I met Sarah J. Maas! I really want to meet her again, because now I’ve read all of her books and know what I’m talking about.

She’s really cool. If some random kind lady ever offers you a free voucher to meet her, take it. I feel like that’s a given, but still do it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post. I still remember this day fondly and kind of somewhat cringe but ya know, that’s me normally anyway. I’m really tired and my head isn’t working, so I apologize for the lack of a normal Top Ten Tuesday and hope this suffices! Have a good day/night!

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